Thursday, June 15, 2006

A Solution in Iraq Requires Impeachment

Impeach Bush

Imagine the police breaking into a house and catching some lunatic doing amateur surgery on his neighbor. The poor neighbor's liver is in a bucket and their intestines are wrapped around the chandelier. Should the police tell the lunatic to "fix this mess" and then stand by while he stuffs the organs back in place? Clearly not. The only way to save the patient is to handcuff the amateur and bring in a team of trained surgeons. They may not be able to repair the damage that has been done. But at least they won't be making the situation any worse.

We have the same situation now in Iraq. People are debating whether Bush should withdraw troops, and how many, and when. But the key thing to realize is that Bush is not the right person to be doing this. Bush is the one who lied about Iraq's WMD and misled us into this war. Iraq was not much of a threat before the war but now it is in chaos and provides a haven and a training ground for more terrorists. Bush is the one who thought the war was over long ago, "mission accomplished", and that there would be minimal resistance from Iraqi's. Clearly Bush did not understand what he was leading us into and he is not qualified to lead us out.

Bush should be impeached for the many crimes that he has committed. Once he is out of office then we can put together a bipartisan, international group of experts on the Middle East. This new team will then be able to work with the new Iraqi government to chart a new course and hopefully solve some of the complex problems we face.

Impeach Bush now before he does any more damage.


Jodin said...

You can initiate the impeachment process yourself by downloading the memorial, filling in the relevant information in the blanks (your name, state, etc.), and sending it in.

More information on the precedent for submitting an impeachment
memorial, and the House Rules on this procedure, can also be found at
the above address.

If you have any doubts that Bush has committed crimes warranting
impeachment, read this page:

If you're concerned that impeachment might not be the best strategy
at this point, read the bottom of this page:

haddenuff said...

I've been signing petition after petition, sending letters, and still Bush continues his reign of terror. Sadly, two young life is lost. After reading what the insurgents said regarding their torture and murder, I realize more and more that this war will not be won.

What amazes me is that about a year before this war, George H W Bush had said he did not take out Saddam Hussein because it would cause decades of instability in an area with a history of religious wars.

Recently, daddy also tried to get his son to ask Rumsfeld to resign for the good of the country.

George Bush continues his lifelong rebellion against his father. Sadly, this country is his weapon.

After graduation from Yale with a not-so-impressive record, Junior was CEO of two corporations, both of which he bankrupted. After the second, his friends again bailed him out, but made sure, when giving him a CEO position, that they gave him as few duties as possible in order to ensure the survival of the business.

This is how he is running our country, and we must impeach him NOW while we still have something to save.

He is still planning to turn control of our airlines over to a foreign country.

Just today, a representative of Austria said 70% of Austrians feel George Bush is the biggest threat to world peace today. Do they know that we feel the same?

I remember when we were the most loved country, not the most hated.

We must save ourselves and get rid of him before he sacrifices us.


RumZoo said...

What has happened to of the people, by the people and for the people? Is that so simplistic that is could be forgotten by this current administration?

Too many people are too comfortable living their lives unaware and uninvolved in what is happening to our country. Land of the free is becoming Land of the Bush.

Ozyman said...

All true, all true.

But clearly the simplest and most surefire way to impeach the bastard is to look at recent history, and repeat it.

Simply put, Bush needs a b.j.

Anonymous said...

And Bliar....

ella said...

judith tell,

I believe Bush was complicent in the 9/11 attacks and he won't go after Bin Laden because he, (Bin Laden), was just a mercenery for hire. Check out 911 Truth. Even if you don't check out this website, think about it. 9/11 gave Bush the excuse he needed to attempt to take over the Middle East oil and to take away our Constitutional rights.

cut2it said...

Bushes Impeachable Sell-out of National Sovereignty

North America Union & Dereliction of Duty to Secure Borders

Most members of Congress have denied any knowledge of the Bush Administration's efforts to build "NAFTA superhighways" or move America closer to a union with Mexico and Canada, until four members of the House stepped up to sponsor a resolution opposing both initiatives.

Rep. Virgil Goode Jr., R-Va., with three co-sponsors: Reps. Thomas Tancredo, R-Colo., Ron Paul, R-Texas, and Walter Jones, R-N.C. has introduced a resolution – H.R. 487 – designed to express "the sense of Congress that the United States should not engage in the construction of a North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) Superhighway System or enter into a North American Union (NAU) with Mexico and Canada."

A timeline of the development and supporters of this treason are found @:
Other introspective analysis available @

The insidious hands of the President & Vice President, in direct violation of their oath of office, promoting the agenda of the secret societies that spawned them, which undermine the sovereignty of the Nation, should be an impeachable offence that all patriotic Americans - of whatever party, could rally behind.

Indictment and trial for treason should be brought against all participants in this sell-out!!

owlhouse said...

It's never too late for impeachment, even the final day in office. I wish like anything that my home state (WA) would follow through on it's push to remove Bush at el.

In conversation with a friend today, we struggled with the question of what to do when the checks and balances of our system are failing. The fact that these "checks" depend on a properly/legally functioning government is problematic. Voting is the single action of the citizens- and that too is unreliable. So we petition, and write and march...

I remaim an optimistic cynic.

Unknown said...

Bush is such a horrible person.. Thats why theres only been a handful of Democratic senators that have pushed impeachment thers something going on in the backgroud

maybe they know hes right

or maybe your being too led by the media

Merfman said...

What sad about this blog is the fact that our president does not care what we think. Technically bush was not even elected by the people, he earned his position through the republican controlled supreme court. If he is not held accountable for his lies and deceits then our system of government is a failure.(F-U Bush, you wanna be)

Randy said...

Are you kidding me? I read your blog... there is not one word of truth in anything you said! You said Bush lied about the threat of Iaq before the war... you forget that Hillary Clinton, Bill Clinton, John Kerry, and a host of other "band wagon" democrats made statements on the dangers of Iraq before the war. You also ignore the fact hat enough WMDs to kill qos of thousands of people were found in Iraq. You ignore the fact that George Bush's actions were "validated" (not that we need it) by the UN mandates passed after the first war. You know the ones that said any member nation could act on their own, or in conjunction with other member nations to enforce the UN mandates!
You also advocate impeaching Bush for his "many" crimes... name one crime, AND back it up with facts that he committed the crime! You have no factual basis for any of your statements! You, like many like you have been brainwashed by the farrrr left liberals who seek to weaken our country, and make us subject to the "world" society! There has never been a single fact presented in evidence that George Bush lied, or committed any crimes!

Randy said...

Republican controlled Supreme Court??? That comment show just how uninfomed and brainwashed you really are! The supreme court in place in 2000 was not a conservative court. In reality it was a pretty "neutral" court with 3 conservatives, 4 liberals, and 2 "swing" votes that could go either way on a an issue! Like it or not, Bush won the election despite liberal efforts to disqualify enough convervatives votes in Florida to swing it the opposite direction!
Had Al GOre been President on 9/11/2001, we would have sat by and not sought the guilty parties out, we would have apologized to Bin Laden, given in to his demands, and be held hostage to this day! Have you noticed that not one additional terrorist act has been committed on US soil since 9/11?
Get your head out of the sand and start thinking for yourself!!!

Randy said...

In case all of you liberals haven't noticed... this war is costing the American taxpayer BILLIONS and BILLIONS of dollars... No one in America has made a single dollar off of oil revenue in Iraq... We have not "seized" control of the oil wells and shipped the crude directly to America for our benefit! Where do you dig up all this BS about petro profits, and controlling the oil!
Funny how I read that President Bush is conttinuing his "life long rebellion" against his father... not too long ago the reason for going into Iraq to topple Sadaam's regime was becasue he tried to kill President Bush senior! Sounds like a rebellious son to me! It is not he who is the danger to our country... it is the bedwetting liberal socialists who represent the greatest erosion of our personal freedoms, and security to our country!

LSG said...

You people are so naive! You think you will be able to impeach this president? Get real, even your own party will not press for impeachment... Why? Maybe it's because they have no plan of their own, no one that could handle the security of this country, they just hide behind such bogus issues as "global warming" and national health care and avoid the bigger issue of this countries security. Let me ease you mind about "global warming"... you will not need to worry about it because this new congress will cripple this counties security and we will be dealing with a nuclear crisis on our soil before we ever have to worry about global warming. There is no strength in the democratic party... wake up!