Monday, August 11, 2008

Bush Accuses Russia of "disproportionate response"

Another reason that Bush should be impeached is that America has lost its moral authority. Consider the new war between Georgia and Russia.

The roots of this conflict go way back. But on Thursday August 7th Georgia attacked South Ossetia, a breakaway province in the north of Georgia, causing heavy civilian casualties. These were mostly Russian citizens with Russian passports. Russia then responded by invading Georgia with a major military force including tanks, artillery and bombers.

On Sunday Bush accused Russia of a "disproportionate response". It may have been. But American no longer has the moral authority to accuse anyone of a "disproportionate response".

We invaded Iraq and killed hundreds of thousands of Iraqis. Iraq never even attacked us. We accused them of having the ability to attack us sometime in the future. But that turned out to be a deliberate lie. There is no possible way to consider our invasion of Iraq a "proportionate response" because there was nothing to respond to.

I wish that we could shame other countries into behaving better. But we have violated international law so badly that we can only hope other countries do not follow our example.