Thursday, June 15, 2006

A Solution in Iraq Requires Impeachment

Impeach Bush

Imagine the police breaking into a house and catching some lunatic doing amateur surgery on his neighbor. The poor neighbor's liver is in a bucket and their intestines are wrapped around the chandelier. Should the police tell the lunatic to "fix this mess" and then stand by while he stuffs the organs back in place? Clearly not. The only way to save the patient is to handcuff the amateur and bring in a team of trained surgeons. They may not be able to repair the damage that has been done. But at least they won't be making the situation any worse.

We have the same situation now in Iraq. People are debating whether Bush should withdraw troops, and how many, and when. But the key thing to realize is that Bush is not the right person to be doing this. Bush is the one who lied about Iraq's WMD and misled us into this war. Iraq was not much of a threat before the war but now it is in chaos and provides a haven and a training ground for more terrorists. Bush is the one who thought the war was over long ago, "mission accomplished", and that there would be minimal resistance from Iraqi's. Clearly Bush did not understand what he was leading us into and he is not qualified to lead us out.

Bush should be impeached for the many crimes that he has committed. Once he is out of office then we can put together a bipartisan, international group of experts on the Middle East. This new team will then be able to work with the new Iraqi government to chart a new course and hopefully solve some of the complex problems we face.

Impeach Bush now before he does any more damage.