Friday, June 20, 2008

you say we want a revolution

This is a letter I wrote to Dan Gainor at the "Business and Media Institute". They are an extremely well funded (mega$) think tank dedicated to countering "liberal bias" in the media.

Hello Dan,

I stumbled upon your article "Left-Wing Cry of 'Revolution' More than Same Old Song".

I know personally some of the people you mentioned in that article. I think you were partly correct in your analysis. But also partly wildly off the mark.

It is true that sometimes we "liberals" use the term "revolution". But we use it to mean a significant change in direction, not a violent act. Many liberals see America as heading down the road toward corporate sponsored dictatorship. We would like to reverse that direction and restore government by and for the people as created by our Founding Fathers.

You ended your article with "too many lefties really want a revolution to destroy pretty much everything America has always epitomized – freedom, individuality and traditional values". Nothing could be further than the truth. I don't know any liberal that feels that way. I think you are creating division where there is none.

I think both liberals and conservatives value freedom, security and other traditional values. We just disagree sometimes on how to achieve those goals. To say that we have different goals is unproductive and just makes conservatives hate liberals for no reason.

In many ways, liberals are seeking a "conservative" revolution. We want to preserve American freedoms as expressed in the Constitution. Some liberals want to return to the days when food was grown locally by small farmers and was uncontaminated by chemicals. We want to return to the days when the President was not above the law. These are traditional American values.

Let's put our heads together and figure out to reach these common goals together.

1 comment:

Dennis said...

Politically savvy with corporate friends, the Two Party System never ends.
When leaders lie and soldiers die the regime becomes mistrusted.
Families sadly shake their heads, grieving and disgusted!
The guilty one’s know no shame, their vial acts on others blame.
A loathsome few lacking conscience, soulless creatures professing nonsense!
Loved ones lost at such a cost, sacrifices made can by no means be repaid.
Worriers do slumber in hallowed graves, their muted voices now enslaved.
Restlessly churning below a mound, knowing no piece until truth is found.
Statistics now, counted only as losses, bivouacked in fields of stark white crosses.
Properly aligned, row upon row, silently marching with no where to go.
Sacrifice! What was it for, only to profit the capitalist whore?
The guilty attempt to rewrite past, callous efforts to make the charade last.
Spinning more fodder for us to believe, in their tedious effort to deceive
Those who see them for what they are, are unwilling to hide the fĂȘted scare.
Hold them accountable for heavens sake, indict and stop the nation’s ache.
Unpunished crimes put shame upon the high office, amplifying our hero’s losses.
Only you can stop the pain, inaction will only bring more shame.
Impugn their acts do not stay quiet, call for justice don’t ever buy it!