Wednesday, July 18, 2007

Bush Freezes War Funds for Iraq

July 17, 2007 - In a surprise move, President Bush issued an Executive Order that has the effect of freezing all funding for his war in Iraq. His message to Congress blocks any funds which are used to commit any violence in Iraq that threatens the "peace or stability of Iraq" or that undermine "efforts to promote economic reconstruction and political reform in Iraq or to provide humanitarian assistance to the Iraqi people".

He probably meant for this to apply to "the insurgents" but I cannot think of anyone who has done more to threaten the "peace or stability" of Iraq than George Bush himself. Over half a million Iraqis have been killed and over 4 million have fled the country since he invaded Iraq in 2003.

Saddam was a bad leader who condoned the torture of prisoners and killed many Iraqis. But one could walk down the street back then without fearing for one's life. Since Bush took over, foreigners have to hide in the "Green Zones" and the role of torturer has been taken over by our own military.

Bush is now in the difficult position of having to violate his own order if he continues the occupation of Iraq. Oh well. It is just one more law to break and he is above the law so I doubt this will slow him down.

You can read the text of the resolution here:

It is becoming increasingly clear that the only way to end this occupation of Iraq is to impeach the man who misled us into it.

More at:

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